- Practical Aspects of Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Management – ( Fall 2017 – Present)
- Work in multi-disciplinary teams (MDT)
- Utilize real field data
- Develop skills needed to work in the energy industry
- Reservoir Engineering II – ( Spring 2018 – Present)
- Waterflooding
- Theoretical and Practical Aspects
- Design and Implementation
- Case Studies
- Gas / CO2 – EOR
- Theoretical and Practical Aspects
- Pilot and Field Scale Implementation
- Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs
- Case Studies
- IRAM™ Workshop
Practical workshop on Integrated Reservoir Asset Management to identify:
- Critical challenges
- Lessons learned
- Improvement opportunities
- Best practices
- UH’s Energy Industry Partnerships (EIP) team will:
- Partner with a company’s asset team to optimize production and maximize value
- Develop integrated solutions by following a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach
- Provide expertise for conventional and unconventional fields
- Waterflooding